From Object to Forms
The Southern California Institute of Architecture (SCI-Arc), Los Angeles, CA
This course was “A Quest To Find the Minimal Conditions of Interesting.” Utilizing the machines found in the SCI-Arc Robot House, this seminar explored and developed methodologies for the representation and fabrication of monolithic extrusions using a hot wire cutter and EPS “bubble” foam.
Beginning with a block of foam, we started with a very simple extrusion, which resulted in a monolithic block. With each appointment with the wire cutter attached to the robot arm, we made our design more complex, drawing the cuts from the shadows of images and dramatizations of the original form. As the foam became more complex, we began to consider if it was a foam or an object, and what the difference between the two was. The sequence of objects could be considered serial or a collection. The course did not answer these questions, we discussed them with our objects as references.
Tom Wiscombe
with Viola Ago, Taryn Bone, and Talin Ebrahami
December 2012